
Start by cloning the project

# clone the Greedybear project repository
git clone
cd GreedyBear/

# construct environment files from templates
cp .env_template .env
cd docker/
cp env_file_template env_file
cp env_file_postgres_template env_file_postgres
cd ..

Now you can start by building the image using docker-compose and run the project.

# build the image locally
docker-compose -p greedybear build

# start the app
docker-compose -p greedybear up

# now the app is running on http://localhost:80

# shut down the application
docker-compose -p greedybear down

Note that GreedyBear needs a running instance of ElasticSearch of a TPoT to function. If you don’t have one, you can make the following changes to make GreeyBear spin up it’s own ElasticSearch and Kibana instances. (…Care! This option would require enough RAM to run the additional containers. Suggested is >=16GB):

  1. In docker/env_file, set the variable ELASTIC_ENDPOINT to http://elasticsearch:9200.

  2. Add :docker/elasticsearch.yml to the last defined COMPOSE_FILE variable or uncomment the # local development with elasticsearch container block in .env file.